First on the list:

Hawaii-Five-O - This show is a remake and stars Aussie Star Alex O'Loughlin. It is a cross between NCIS (without the NCIS unique humour) and includes a lot of action and fighting scenes. The show also stars Grace Park who is over 35 but you wouldn't have known unless I told you. And she's hot and an awesome female cop. There's humour and there's great on-screen chemistry. Love!

Nikita - There has been a movie and a series based on this woman. But who is she? She was trained as an assassin but turns out the company that she works for, isn’t really the government and must be stopped. She is the new Alias but with less mysteries, mind-bending scenarios and double-identities (I’m referring to Vaughn and Sydney’s mother). However, she still kicks a lot of arse so expect a lot of action and female power. On Go!

Pretty Little Liars - Who killed their best friend? As episodes unravel, the audience discovers the deep dark secrets of each of the teenage girls in the show. It's not as family-rated tv show as I thought it would be. Slightly dark, scary and lots of twists. (Cue lesbian love, forbidden relationship between student and teacher, youth lipo...see it isn't really family orientated.)

The Gates - following the success of vampires and werewolves, another tv show has emerged. This time, a community within 'The Gates' all live with very dark and deep secrets. A family moves there, the dad being the new Chief of police. There are many twists, it's dark, scary, lots of blood but the usual teenage love story and normal drama. (Expect vampire and werewolf showdowns, voodoo magic and other creepy stuff)
Happy Viewing! But if it's an awesome day, go to the's summer after all.